Upcoming Events
Where Nature Nurtures Growth

Shea's Sewing Retreat (private)
Stitching with kindred spirits. Shea is hosting close personal friends this time, but if you want to see more public events like this, reach out to events.pottersfarm@gmail.com to let us know that you are interested.

Potter’s Farm Board Retreat
The Potter’s Farm Board gathers for their Annual Board Meeting to intentionally renew intentions and create plans to keep the center vibrant and sustainable. The needs of the Farm are many and we know many hands make light work. Care to support your community by being in service as a Board member? Contact event.pottersfarm@gmail.com for more information.

Spring Community Ceremony-public event
The Annual Spring Ceremony - Renew, Refresh, Restore, Rejoice

Where There Be Dragons-Student Experience
An international renown organization, Dragons offer programs for young adults that expand more than their horizons. https://www.wheretherebedragons.com

The Nature of Wholeness Training Circle—Introduction plus MBSR: Embodied Awareness and Connection
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

Summer Solstice Dance to the Star Nation 2025
Summer Solstice Ceremony - a time to be in community while honoring the eternal gift of the Sun

Love the Farm (9th annual)-Open to the public
FREE EVENT! Come support the Farm by working on projects in exchange for free lodging, meals, and community connections.

The Nature of Wholeness Training Circle—Being in Balance
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

Fall Community Ceremony-all are welcome!
Fall Ceremony-We come together in community to harvest the gifts of the season. This event is public and all are invited, including families with kids. More will be posted about the event closer to the date.

Private Retreat
We have a great facility to host your private get away. Book now for events like Big Top Chautauqua Music Events (all Summer), Apple Fest (Oct), or Book Across the Bay (Feb)!

The Nature of Wholeness Training Circle—Being in Balance
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

The Nature of Wholeness Training Circle—Leadership from the Inside Out
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

The Nature of Wholeness Training Circle—Pathway to Power and Peace
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

The Nature of Wholeness Training Circle—Pathway to Power and Peace
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

The Nature of Wholeness Training Circle—Pathway to Power and Peace
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

The Nature of Wholeness—Introduction plus MBSR: Embodied Awareness and Connection
Guided Delicate Lodge Training Circle

Closed for Winter Projects
Our rustic cabin is still available for lodging rental during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Dragons: Spirit of Gitche Gumee
Facilitators: Where There Be Dragons
We are excited to welcome the return of Where There Be Dragons.
The Dragons is an international travel program that offers immersive experiences around the world for students seeking summer or gap year opportunities.
You may be curious about their name, mission and values. We encourage you to explore here.
View in our Calendar.

Dragons: Spirit of Gitche Gumee
Facilitators: Where There Be Dragons
We are excited to welcome the return of Where There Be Dragons.
The Dragons is an international travel program that offers immersive experiences around the world for students seeking summer or gap year opportunities.
You may be curious about their name, mission and values. We encourage you to explore here.
View in our Calendar.

Winter Dreaming Lodge
Since 2007 this annual dreaming lodge holds the intention to dream for the People. We honor all potential, opposite to our summer solstice celebration. It is a time of slowing down, and listening deeply to the dreams over a period of several days.
This will be our 18th dreaming year.
View in our Calendar.

Advanced Embodiment Ceremony
Journey with CouncilEmbers, tapping into your innate wisdom.
View in our Calendar.